Light + Building 2024: Be electrified

Light + Building 2024
Frankfurt am Main

For the building sector, the target is set by the EU climate protection package by 2050: it is climate neutrality. The milestones on the way there include the expansion of renewable energies, the increase in efficient energy use and the expansion of electromobility. The basis for this is the electrification and digitalisation of houses and buildings. The necessary technical solutions will be on show at Light + Building from 3 to 8 March 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. Exhibitor registration is now open.

As a reflection of the industry, the leading international trade fair for lighting and building-services technology focuses on the topics that move the industry. Be electrified is the claim for Light + Building from 3 to 8 March 2024 and spans the spectrum from future-oriented home and building technology to intelligent lighting technology. Thus, the focus of the upcoming industry meeting point is on the electrification of the sector, the transfer of the relevant expertise and the enthusiasm for sustainable innovations.

Electrification lays the foundation for achieving the goals in the building sector. This is the basis for other topics that will be essential for living, working and mobility in the future. The digitalisation and technological connectivity of trades in buildings ensures efficient energy use, safety and comfort. Sustainability plays an important role in materials, production and a healthy lifestyle. This leads to new approaches in urban planning, architecture, design and the lighting industry.

Be part of it

The starting signal for Light + Building 2024 has been given: Exhibitors can already register now. Companies that declare their participation by 27 April 2023 benefit from the early-booking price. After that, the regular stand rental prices apply. All information on participation is available here:

"Major goals such as the electrification of the building sector can best be achieved together. To ensure that Light + Building 2024 offers the optimum conditions for all participants, we are already in the middle of planning. We are in intensive exchange with our customers in order to make individual wishes possible and to create the optimal starting position for personal discussions and business. Of course, we are looking forward to all the companies that will be at the next international meeting place for the sector and will make it the innovation meeting place for sustainable lighting, home and building-services technology with their solutions and ideas", says Johannes Möller, Director of Light + Building.

Light + Building is the international meeting place for manufacturers from the lighting, electrical engineering, home and building automation and connected security technology sectors. The most important visitor groups include architects, interior architects, designers, planners and engineers as well as craftsmen, trade and industry.

Light + Building – The world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building-services technology
The event Light + Building will be held from 3 to 8 March 2024.


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Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Light + Building is supported by leading professional associations:

Electro and Digital Industry Association (ZVEI):
- Light
- Electrical Installation Systems

Central association of German electricians (ZVEH)


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