Energiile regenerabile pentru a sasea oara in centrul atentiei la Expo Arad

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Enreg 2014
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ENREG ENERGIA REGENERABILA® cel mai mare eveniment pe energie regenerabila din triunghiul de frontiera Romania - Ungaria - Serbia impreuna cu a doua editie PV Platform Romania - punctul de intalnire pentru expertii din domeniul fotovoltaic, a reunit pentru a sasea oara experti si persoane cu putere de decizie in domeniu. Evenimentul a avut loc intre 09-11 aprilie 2014 la Expo Arad.

"Domeniul energiei regenerabile traverseaza o perioada de tranzitie si maturizare, iar aceasta situatie iti lasa inevitabil amprenta pe cei care activeaza in domeniu. In pofida unei reale scaderi a investitiilor in energiile regenerabile, exista semnale optimiste care demonstreaza ca acest sector ramane in continuare atractiv pentru Romania. Cea de-a sasea editie ENREG ENERGIA REGENERABILA® impreuna cu a doua editie PV Platform Romania a adus in atentia vizitatorilor tematici noi si inovative in domeniu. Evenimentul a gazduit 55 de expozanti din 7 tari st sector ramane in continuare atractiv pentru Romania. Cea de-a sasea editie ENREG ENERGIA REGENERA europene, pe o suprafata expozitionala de aproximativ 1500m², care au fost vizitati de 1150 de specialisti", a declarat Managerul de Proiect, Timea Szanto.

La ceremonia de deschidere ne-au onorat cu prezenta Levente BOGNAR, Viceprimar Arad, Gheorghe SECULICI, Presedinte Camera de Comert si Industrie Arad si Adrian DIMACHE, Secretar General, Camera de Comert Italiana pentru Romania.
Targul a fost sustinut de parteneri ca: Primaria Municipiului Arad, AREL - Asociatia Romana a Electricienilor, IPA/ EEN - Enterprise Europe Network, Camera de Comert Italiana pentru Romania, Centrul de Excelenta pentru Energii Regenerabile, Eficienta Energetica si Mediul Inconjurator - CERE, Partner APL Bucuresti si Comitetul National Roman de Iluminat.
In paralel cu targul au avut loc conferinte si workshopuri de specialitate. Tematicile prezente in cadrul acestor conferinte au fost: energia solara, energia din lemn, biogazul, cogenerarea si iluminatul cu LED. Aceste conferinte si workshopuri au reunit in cele 3 zile peste 400 de participanti nationali si internationali, printre care participanti din Austria, Germania, Italia, Ungaria si Romania. Au fost prezentate peste 70 de lucrari de catre reprezentanti importanti din industrie.

Cea de-a VI-a editie a gazduit: 

55 de expozanti, din 7 tari europene, 27% internationali 
400 de participanti la conferinte, 40% internationali 
1150 de vizitatori de specialitate, 35% internationali 
1500 m² spatiu expozitional, 35% international

In luna noiembrie a acestui an, REECO va invita si la cea de-a VII-a editie a celui mai mare targ pe energie regenerabila si eficienta energetica din Romania, RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, care va avea loc intre 19-21 noiembrie 2014, la Sala Palatului din Bucuresti.
Urmatoarea editie ENREG ENERGIA REGENERABILA® va avea loc intre 4-6 martie 2015, in Arad!
Vizitti website-ul targului www.enreg-expo.com.


Renewable Energies in Focus of Attention for the 6th Time at Expo Arad
ENREG ENERGIA REGENERABILA® the biggest renewable energy trade fair in the border triangle between Romania-Hungary-Serbia together with the 2nd edition of PV Platform Romania - the meeting point for the PV sector, gathered for the 6th time experts and decision makers in the area. The event took place between the 9th-11th of April 2014 at Expo Arad.

 "The renewable energy sector is in a tranzition and maturation phase and this situation inevitably leaves a mark on those working in the sector. Despite the decline of investments in renewable energy sector, there are optimistic signs showing that the sector remains attractive in Romania. The 6th edition of ENREG ENERGIA REGENERABILA® fair together with the 2nd edition of PV Platform Romania brought into visitors attention new and innovative topics in the area. The event hosted 55 exhibitors from 7 European countries on an exhibition area of about 1500m², which were visited by 1150 professionals in the field", said Timea Szanto, Project Manager of the event.

 At the opening ceremony there were present Levente BOGNAR, Deputy of Arad, Gheorghe SECULICI, President Arad Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Adrian DIMACHE, General Secretary, Italian - Romanian Chamber of Commerce.
The event was supported by important partners such as: Arad City Hall, ARELRomanian Association of Electricians, IPA/ EEN- Enterprise Europe Network, CCIPR-Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Romania, Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment- CERE, Romanian National Lighting Committee and Partners for Local Public Administration - APL Bucharest.
In parallel with the trade fair specialised conferences and workshops were organised. The themes discussed during these events were: solar energy, wood energy, energy efficiency, PV, biogas, cogeneration and LED litghting. The conferences and the workshops gathered during the 3 days of the event over 400 national and international participants from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Romania. There were presented over 70 papers by important representatives of the industry.

In November this year, REECO invites you to the 7th edition of the biggest trade fair on renewable energy and energy efficiency in Romania, RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, that will take place between the 19th-21st of November 2014, at the Palace Hall in Bucharest.





Reea Agency
