AHR Expo 2019

AHR Expo 2019
Atlanta, Georgia
Georgia World Congress Center

Recognized as the largest trade show of its kind, the 71st International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo) returns to Atlanta in 2019 for the first time in almost 20 years. The Show welcomes HVACR professionals serving commercial, industrial, residential and institutional markets. Each year, manufacturers from all over the world exhibit their systems, equipment, and components with air-conditioning, heating, plumbing, ventilation, and refrigeration applications. Thousands of contractors, engineers, OEMs, distributors and other industry professionals attend the Exposition in  search of new products and services.

2019 AHR Expo:

● The world’s largest trade show exclusively for the heating, ventilation,
air conditioning and refrigeration industry
● Robust educational program, including: ASHRAE Learning Institute courses;
certification exams; free product and technology previews; free seminars from industry leaders
● Leading Industry Association meetings held in conjunction with Show
● ASHRAE Winter Conference, held concurrently with the Show
● Special Show features:
     ○Building Automation and Control Showcase
     ○Software Center
     ○Indoor Air Quality Association Pavilion
     ○New Product and Technology Theater presentations
     ○AHR Expo Innovation Awards Ceremony

Exhibitors and attendees from around the world and every segment of the HVACR industry, including:
● More than 2,100 exhibiting companies from 35 countries representing every facet of the industry
● Over 500,000 net sq. ft. of exhibits
● Over 60,000 total attendance from more than 160 countries (40,000+ visitors)

The AHR Expo (International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition) is the world’s largest HVACR event, consisting of more than 2,100 exhibitors and attracting 60,000+ attendees each year. Since 1930, the Show has provided a unique forum where the entire HVACR industry, including OEMs; engineers; contractors; manufacturers; distributors; commercial, industrial and institutional facility operators; and educators comes together to discover the latest products, learn about new technologies and develop mutually beneficial business relationships. The next Show, co-sponsored by ASHRAE and AHRI, will be held Jan. 14-16, 2019 at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, and is held concurrently with ASHRAE’s Winter Conference.

2019 AHR Expo Trailer [h] from AHR Expo on Vimeo.


International Exposition Co.
15 Franklin St.
Westport, CT 06880
email: [email protected]


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