Energy Efficiency & Renewables, Smart Cities - South-East European Exhibition and Conferences

Energy Efficiency & Renewables, Smart Cities - South-East European Exhibition and Conferences
Hall 5&6, Inter Expo Center, Sofia

The boom in the development of technologies to implement the potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency requires their faster adoption in practice. Decentralization of the market and the growing needs for cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions attract: producers and traders, investors and consumers. EE and RES is their intersection.

This year's edition of Smart Cities presents cutting-edge solutions, which transform buildings, urban infrastructure into more sustainable and intelligent systems.

EE & RE and Smart Cities will be a place for product presentations, personal contact and business negotiations.


  •   Exhibitors from 14 countries.They offer good opportunities for distribution and new investment.
  •   For the 10th consecutive year, there will be an Austrian Pavilion.
  •   Product categories of EE & RE: autonomous renewable energy and waste generation systems; energy-efficient solutions for heating, cooling, air conditioning, ventilation and lighting; hybrid solar and wind systems; cogeneration; power transmission and energy saving technologies; electric vehicles, energy management and services.
  •   Product categories of Smart Cities: home, building and industrial automation; measurement systems; energy monitoring and management; mobility and transport; integrated solutions for waste management; intelligent lighting; parking systems; noise monitoring; cloud services and the IoT; intelligent earthquake warning system; an early detection system for forest fires; e-health; mobile laboratory for measurement of air purity, etc.


Register for a free visit here.  •  Brochure   •


Via Expo Ltd.
T/F: +359 (32) 966 813
e-mail: [email protected]


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