POWER WEEK Africa 2019

POWER WEEK Africa 2019
South Africa



POWER WEEK AFRICA is the 2nd annual international conference & summit specially designed for the African electric power & energy industry, promising 5 days of premium networking opportunities that is inclusive of a 2-day main conference, 6 supplementary workshops, multiple case studies from a wide array of perspectives, expert opinions and unrivalled insights into the African electric power & energy market prospects.

POWER WEEK AFRICA promises an abundance of opportunities to network with C-level executives in the African electric power & energy industry ranging from regulators, national power companies, financial institutions, investors, renewable & IPPs, government ministries, policy makers, law firms and many more. This will be your opportunity to interact with key players of the African electric power & energy industry – all at one platform!
With our diverse pool of internationally renowned participants, you are guaranteed valuable insights on an extensive range of topics that concern the African electric power & energy industry today – financing, investment & guarantees, supply & demand, project management, electricity markets, governance, political risk, workforce development, tariffs, privatisation, renewable energy, solar, power generation, accessibility, affordability, technological advancements, mini grids, energy storage, off-grid solutions, managing losses and so much more.

Grab this chance to stay one step ahead in the industry - POWER WEEK AFRICA is definitely an event not to be missed!

This year’s conference will address cutting edge topics with Real Examples and Case Studies including:

Date Program
10 – 11 September 2019POWER WEEK Africa Main Conference
9 September 2019Workshop A: Renewable Energy
12 September 2019Workshop B: Off-Grid Technologies
13 September 2019Workshop C: Energy Storage
3 - 6 September 2019Workshop D: Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
16 – 18 September 2019Workshop E: EPC Contracts for Energy Industry
16 – 20 September 2019Workshop E: Power Project Finance

List of high-profile speakers from the continent of Africa and beyond

1. Jeff Radebe, Minister of Energy, Department of Energy, South Africa
2. James Momoh, Chairman, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission
3. London Mwafulilwa, Chairman, Copperbelt Energy Corporation, Zambia
4. Eddie O’Connor, Chairman, Mainstream Renewable Power, Ireland
5. Jonathan Amoako-Baah, CEO, GRIDCo, Ghana
6. Mark Swilling, Chairman, Development Bank of Southern Africa, South Africa
7. Agatha Nnaji, Managing Director, Geometric Power, Nigeria
8. Cheikh Bedda, Director, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
9. Josef Abramowitz, President & CEO, Gigawatt Global, Israel
10. Garba Haruna, CEO, Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company, Nigeria
11. Joseph Mutale, Professor, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
12. Oumarou Hamandjoda, Deputy CEO, ENEO, Cameroon
13. Alfred Mwila, Director, Energy Regulation Board, Zambia
14. Benjamin Mugisha, Senior Underwriter, African Trade Insurance Agency, Kenya
15. Saïd Mouline, CEO, Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency, Morocco
16. Thembisile Majola, Former Deputy Minister of Energy, South Africa
17. Valérie Levkov, Senior Vice President, EDF, France
18. John Omollo, Chief Risk Officer, Export Credit Insurance Corporation, South Africa
19. Lisa Pinsley, Director, Actis, South Africa
20. Maher Chebbo, Chief Business Innovation Officer, GE Power, France
21. Wim Jonker Klunne, Lead Coordinator, EEP Africa, South Africa
22. Snehar Shah, General Manager, Azuri Technologies, Kenya
23. Peter Oldacre, Head of Origination & Investment, Bushveld Energy, South Africa
24. Kannan Lakmeeharan, Partner, Mckinsey & Company, South Africa
25. Sampson Mamphweli, Director, Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies, South Africa
… and more. To find out the speakers’ profile, visit www.power-week.com/Africa/Speakers

Why you should not miss POWER WEEK AFRICA?

1. Premium Networking Opportunities
Opportunities to network with some of the biggest names in the industry
2. Diverse Perspectives
Hear from the experiences of 20+ high profile speakers from the continent of Africa and beyond
3. Solution Oriented Discussions
Be involved in identifying solutions to the great challenges facing the industry today
4. Gain a Competitive Advantage
Stay ahead of your competitors with valuable insights exclusive to this event
5. Strategic Planning
Stay up to date with the latest topics, trends and issues impacting the African Power & Energy industry today

Need more reasons to attend?

1. Understand how to secure financing for power/energy infrastructure projects
2. Be informed of key renewable energy developments across Africa and hear expert opinions on the optimal “renewable energy mix”
3. Find out the measures Africa can take to overcome the challenge of remote area connectivity and achieve greater electrification rates
4. Understand the current trends in solar prices and the impacts new solar technologies bring to the table
5. Be informed of advancements in cutting-edge technologies and how Africa can access these innovations
6. Identify solutions to increase capacity development in the power/energy sector
7. Find out what Africa needs to do attract investment and improve its long-term investment security in the power/energy sector
8. Exchange experiences with industry leaders across the African region and beyond
9. Gain a firm understanding of establishing cost-reflective tariffs and the solutions to non-economical tariffs
10. Be involved in immersive discussions on changing electricity markets, privatisation and how power can be made affordable for all
11. Understand the approaches Africa can take to achieve a sustainable energy supply
12. Understand how PRI/PRG guarantees are granted by DFIs


To attend/sponsor/exhibit/enquiry, please contact:
Reanne Lee    
Tel: +65 6325 0254 | Email: [email protected]

To join the discussion:
LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6985809
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/powerweeksummit
Twitter: @powerweeksummit
Official Website: www.power-week.com/Africa

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