EU Green Week 2023

EU Green Week 2023

EU Green Week will take place between Saturday 3 June and Sunday 11 June

EU Green Week is your annual opportunity to debate, become familiar with, or even celebrate EU environment policy.

It’s an opportunity to celebrate the progress we’ve made, and to encourage individuals, communities and organisations to take stronger action in future – to protect, preserve and restore our environment, for now and for future generations, while constantly promoting sustainable development.

EU Green Week 2023

EU Green Week 2023 conference
Join the conference on 6 - 7 June to hear the latest about EU environmental policies, and about biodiversity, circular economy, and zero pollution in particular. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the progress already made whilst inspiring individuals, communities and organisations to take further action to protect and restore our environment for present and future generations. 
The Conference takes place in Brussels, Charlemagne building, GASPERI room.

EU Green Week Partner Events list
In line with the Year of Skills, Partner Events will focus in 2023 on the topics of skills for sustainable, resilient and socially fair communities.
Throughout the week, partner events organised by schools, universities, business associations, environmental organisations, civil society, and government agencies will take place across Europe and beyond. These will raise awareness and educate people about the importance of protecting the environment and promoting sustainable living practices. They will include a variety of activities such as educational workshops, seminars, and eco-friendly projects highlighting the importance of “green” skills – skills which will empower people to join and contribute to the green transition.

The call for partner events is open!

Find more information on EU Green Week Partner Events here!


contact: Green Week Team

[email protected]

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